- Is your inner critic always telling you you’ve eaten too much and not exercised enough?
- Are you fed up with comparing your body to people that you are convinced are “skinnier”, “hotter”, or “more fit?” (or the body you had when you were 18?!)
- Are you making yourself sick trying to achieve a certain weight because you’re convinced it’ll magically get you everything you want in life (only to find that it never does)?
- Does the way your jeans fit dictate whether you leave the house or not?
- Have you hit a total breaking point with restrictive eating, diets and binge eating?
- Is stressing about your body and food totally robbing you from being present and living your life?
- Are you hiding in the background of your life watching it fade away?

- Experience FREEDOM and peace around food no matter WHAT you consume that day!
- To actually eat the damn pizza without guilt
- To love and appreciate your body, and treat it like the QUEEN that she is
- Break up with your abusive relationship with the scale
- Stop comparing, and instead radiate your UNIQUE beauty and worth!
- Experience your most unapologetic confidence, power and joy without a scale or diet.
- Feel hot as shit / like a bad ass b*tch in your clothes as you walk out the door?
- Date, have the best sex of your life, and meet the partner of your dreams because you finally inherently know, I’m worth it.
I’m a body image and confidence expert, advanced eft practitioner, and master energy healer.
By combining the powerful modalities that changed my life into a signature 8 step system and coaching thousands of women worldwide to experience the same results, my mission is to show you what’s possible when you heal toxic patterns and beliefs with your body and food, finally end the battle, and leap into MAJOR life-altering confidence. Together, we will use powerful and scientifically-proven tools to locate and heal the limiting beliefs and emotionally root causes inside of you that have you trapped in a never-ending loop of body dissatisfaction and unworthiness.
Let me let you in on a secret: it’s not actually even about the battle with your body or the food (or the weight)! By tapping (no pun intended) into the emotional root of your body and food battle, on the other side, you will find the freedom, true peace and confidence you’ve always wanted..
So, if you’re ready to rebel against hating your body, obsessing over food and step into brazen confidence, expansion, and unconditional self-love…
Let's do it!
"I'm the most confident I've ever been in my body image and my life!"
My days of calorie counting and dieting are over. I don't indulge in any self sabotaging behaviours like emotional eating anymore."
Onami R.

"YES QUEEN! 💖💖 Everyone should sign up! Best investment ever!🔥🙌"
Juhi G.
"Working with Giulia and this program, has completely changed my life and revolutionized how I feel about my body and live in my body""
Lenore Matthews